Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Guy That I Like...

I found this guy on porn. Have no ideas what his name is. He's just handsome!!

I also like his egoness!! So MAN!!!

His expression is priceless....

He must be in great pain or PLEASURE!!

to me...

Kinda the type i like. Now that i know what i want, i should now go out and hunt for this type of guy!!! I wonder if Ryan is as cute and manly like him???

p.s. i never knew i have a thing for any person, be it a guy or girl, who speak fluently English!! Especially with own slang one. Tuned me on at times... Weird huh?


  1. share with me!!!

  2. you can have it here, http://tenchunk.blogspot.com/2010/01/video-collections30.html
